Heart Burn Symptoms, Triggers and Treatment


What is Heart Burn? What are the Causes of Heart Burn?

Heartburn is one of the common symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It usually feels like a burning sensation that begins behind the breast bone and which gradually reaches the neck region and throat. We feel like food is in the throat and we experience the acid or bitter taste.

Heartburn is a feeling of pain accompanied by pressure behind the breast bone. It is felt after eating the food and it lasts for a period of two hours.

We may experience chest pain soon after eating when we are bending or lying down.

There will be a feeling burning sensation in the throat which is accompanied by a sour, hot, acidic, bitter fluid taste in the mouth and at the back of the throat.

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There will be a feeling of the food getting back to the throat.

There will be a feeling of sticking food in the chest and the throat.

Symptoms of Heartburn:

1. Wheezing or symptoms like asthma:

It is proven that there is a significant link between asthma and gastroesophageal reflux disorder. Many people who are suffering from asthma are also prone to the attack of gastroesophageal reflux disease and feel the symptoms of heartburn.

Gastroesophageal reflux disorder affects asthma when the acid food from the stomach gets refluxed into the esophagus and it may enter into the lungs and airways and making breathing difficult and thus the patient wheezes and coughs.

2. Chronic Coughing:

Coughing is caused in patients due to the reflux of food into the esophagus.

3. Burning sensation in the chest:

The burning sensation starts behind the breast bone and moves to the throat and it lasts for a few minutes to several hours.

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4. Burning feeling in the throat:

There will be a burning sensation in the neck and throat and it may worsen with swallowing. The burning sensation results when the contents of the stomach (food) get refluxed into the throat from the stomach.

Triggers of Heart Burn:

  • Some acidic foods trigger heartburn. Some foods which have to be avoided to prevent heartburn include tomatoes and citrus fruits etc.
  • Alcohol intake can trigger the feeling of heartburn.
  • Cigarette smoking is also a trigger of heartburn.
  • Medical conditions such as asthma and diabetes also lead to the development of heartburn.
  • Excess pressure on the abdomen, in turn, puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter, this allows the food to enter the esophagus or mouth thus leading to heartburn.
  • Pregnant women and people with more weight are more prone to the getting of burning in the heart.
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Treatment for getting rid of heartburn:

  • Treatment can be done by changing the lifestyle of the people by having a proper diet and by taking perfect medication to get relief.
  • Some tips include taking small meals in small intervals. Snacks should not be eaten late at the night.
  • You should avoid lying down immediately after having meals.
  • Weight should be lost by the natural proper diet and not by doing exercises etc.
  • Medicines should be taken properly and regularly.
  • Foods like fatty foods, chocolates, carbonated beverages, and caffeine drinks should be avoided.
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